Power in Place launch event

Join us as we launch our new publication Power in Place: Evidence-led solutions for thriving and sustainable communities.

In the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, more and more people are facing unexpected financial hardships or being pushed further into poverty. But inequalities have long existed, and the COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to multiple inequalities across the country and the world.

As levelling up aims to address some of these inequalities, what is the role of place-based policymaking in improving lives? How can local approaches driven by communities and their leaders create and sustain thriving, inclusive places?

Join us at Manchester Art Gallery to discuss the role of place-based policymaking in tackling inequalities.

When: 2.00-3.00pm, Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Where: Manchester Art Gallery


  • Tom Pope, Deputy Chief Economist, Institute for Government (chair)
  • Professor Francesca Gains, Professor of Public Policy at The University of Manchester
  • Dr Luke Munford, Senior Lecturer in Health Economics at The University of Manchester
  • Edna Robinson, Chair of the People's Powerhouse
  • Councillor Arooj Shah, Leader of Oldham Council and GM Lead for Equalities and Communities

Registration: To register, or for any queries, please email policy@manchester.ac.uk with your name, job title, organisation, and any dietary or access requirements.