Party conferences 2021
Each year, we organise panel events at the Labour and Conservative party conferences, offering expertise and evidence on pressing policy topics.
We have been running our conference programme for a number of years, bringing together panels of experts to discuss a wide range of pressing policy challenges at both Labour and Conservative conferences. The 2021 panels covered many topics including sustainability, health, innovation and inequalities.
Click on the links below to find out more and watch the panel recordings from 2021.
Panel recordings
- What should an effective green recovery look like? (Labour Party Conference - 28 September 2021)
- Child of the North, COVID-19 Update (Labour Party Conference - 28 September 2021)
- How can we seize the opportunities of the digital revolution to deliver better work for those in creative industries? (Labour Party Conference - 28 September 2021)
- Happy and healthy communities: how can we build health and wellbeing into new home developments that work for everyone? (Conservative Party Conference - 4 October 2021)
- How can we accelerate the UK's green recovery? (Conservative Party Conference - 4 October 2021)
- How to harness the digital healthcare revolution to tackle health inequalities (Conservative Party Conference - 4 October 2021)
- Can place based partnerships drive innovation and growth across a city region and provide the key to levelling up? (Conservative Party Conference - 4 October 2021)
- Holding our breath? How to clean up our cities' air (Conservative Party Conference - 4 October 2021)
- The Child of the North, COVID-19 Update (Conservative Party Conference - 4 October 2021)
- Global Britain: championing the voice of British businesses in international trade agreements (Conservative Party Conference - 5 October 2021)
- Impact of COVID-19 on the Northern Powerhouse: One year on (Conservative Party Conference - 5 October 2021)